

In the beginning, I was quite anxious and afraid. I didn’t have confidence and I thought I would fail. My teacher encouraged me a lot and persuaded me to give it a try. To my surprise, I passed the first part of the exams. It goes without saying that I spent time studying the schoolwork. My school also held several classes to help us review our lessons. In fact, I didn’t have much time reviewing the textbooks thoroughly. Therefore, I practiced the exams, which had been taken before. It did work and I passed it.
After that, the day was very busy. I had to dedicate myself to preparing for the final. During these days, I couldn’t catch up with other students and got terrible grades on my schoolwork. Because three classmates and I were in the same situation, we found a foreign teacher to learn English after school. I learned a lot about spoken English, listening comprehension, oral practice, and so on. We discussed about literature in class, and it enabled me to appreciate western culture. When I was at home, I listened to ICRT or BBC on the radio. I didn’t use to listen to English broadcast on the radio, so I didn’t understand very much. However, I had to get accustomed to it, or I couldn’t take the exams well. Practice makes perfect. Keep working hard and you’ll see the result.
作文: 寫兩篇文章,一篇是一次難忘的旅遊經驗,另一篇是寫你的偶象。 第二篇要寫一個 title,務必看清楚題目的說明! 題目都是以英文書寫,不過都很清楚,不會很難,不要擔心。我那時很大意,第二篇作文竟忘了寫標題。大家千萬不要像我一樣,就可惜了。
閱讀: 筆試分四大題,有字彙、重組、閱測、問答。字彙和重組大概都十幾題,閱測就較多了。要從文章中找線索,還有動作要快。問答也不簡單,考一篇英詩,從中考題目。我只能一直猜,不要空白。以前有考過Topic sentence 和 summarize, 不妨準備一下。
聽力: 聽力在下午第一節考,所以建議大家中午要休息,才有清醒的頭腦。聽力考三篇填充和二篇問答,考試時是一臺收音機放在教室前,老師會放二次,請把握時間。建議大家在聽問答時可以邊記重點,在聽文章前先看題目,較容易做答。
面試: 先前準備很久,卻四分鐘決勝負,所以要好好把握。面試時三位教授對一位學生,先考一分鐘閱讀,不需要把文章急忙念完,他們主要在聽發音。
Could you give me your Chinese name?
What’s your school?
Why do you want to major in English?
Which part of English are you good at? ( speaking, writing, or reading )
What impresses you most at school?
面試心得: 充分的準備可以減少些緊張,面試時不外是生活化的問題,像自我介紹、興趣、個性、目標、優缺點等,事前都要先準備。若學校事前有模擬面試會更好,較有臨場感。
I am very glad that you make such a decision. You will gain more than you can imagine and learn from this experience. If you have any trouble, you can tell me. I am willing to give you a hand. Never give up. Never give in. Just give it a try. I keep my fingers crossed for you. GOOD LUCK!
